Ricky Thomas

Tech Director

Ricky was born and raised in Henry County, Ga. Ricky and his wife, Lindsay, met working as actors at Tribulation Trail while in high school in the mid 90’s. While going separate directions after graduation, God brought them back together in 2010 and they were married in 2012. They have an 18 year old daughter, Abby, who just graduated high school and is currently at Gordon College working towards becoming a nurse!

Ricky has been passionate about service since he was in middle school when he went on his first mission trip to Philadelphia. Since then he has served 3 months in Africa with Teen Missions International, as well as serving on short term teams in Mexico and Guatemala through out his life.

Ricky has been passionate about sharing the love of Jesus in many ways. He was a youth intern at a local church while in high school and served as a youth pastor for a small church in Macon while in college at Mercer University. With a passion for music and technology, Ricky studied at Mercer as a vocal performance major with a focus on jazz bass. He also studied as a networking specialist at Georgia Northwestern Technical College. He hopes to eventually take the couple of classes needed to finish his degree in networking. :)

As tech director, you will commonly find Ricky hiding in the nest, behind a camera or computer helping to bring the vision of our church to our community through live streaming and coordinating sound and light live in our services.


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